underneath the stars
It is all very well, when the pen flows, but then there are the dark days when imagination deserts one, and it is an effort to put anything down on paper. That little you have achieved stares at you at the end of the day, and you know the next morning you will have to scrape it down and start again. ~Elizabeth Aston
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Minted Masquerade

Have I told you lately that I love you?

I know Malaysia Night was over about two weeks ago, but trying to reduce the backlog of work has kept me preoccupied until now. It was a pretty brilliant event if I was to be honest with you. I'm sure the audience, based on the feedback I've got, were pretty impressed with the show we put up at great expense and effort in order to maintain some profound sense of pride of having 'the best MNight in the UK'. Whether it's going to be better than everybody else I don't know, and frankly I don't really care. Perception is subjective, and will always stay that way.

But for me, this project felt like one of those things that 'could have been', which I (thankfully) have not encountered much in my career of getting involved in things. It 'could have been better', or maybe the phrase is 'should have been', but at the end all it felt like was a sort of hollowness that is telling you 'you never got there'. Sure, there was a lot of enthusiasm and adrenaline running high all around the place, but at the same time the effort put in lacked cohesiveness and efficiency, often lagging behind schedules and generally lacking the proper cutting edge. Yes, this is the time when you roll your eyes and say, 'Malaysians', but frankly that is not an excuse for being mediocre. You will notice that I am using a lot of indefinite articles, but based on experience, this could have been a much more polished, if not better experience for everybody if there was a higher degree of organisation and professionalism around the whole thing. As part of the production team, I cannot, and will not shirk off my responsibilities, though I believe I've tried my best to get involved, and there is only so much a stage manager can do in terms of the technical side of the show.

I agree with the seniors on one thing: you do get to meet a lot of people whom you would usually never meet when you take part in dikir and the whole project in general. Whether the whole show brought people closer though, is still up for debate. Sometimes everything feels so disarrayed that you just feel like going up and strangling the person standing next to you. THAT wouldn't be too helpful for caramaderie. Every day that brought me closer to Malaysia Night, I went to bed with an increased feeling of annoyance that things were not going as well as they should be. Everybody felt like they were doing their own thing and somehow things never really got together as a whole. Behind the curtains during showtime, it felt almost like any other circus with disjointed performances and lack of flow. Maybe with the limitations placed upon us such as not having the actual stage until the day itself and lack of transportation hindered our ambitions somewhat, but it just felt like being in a bunch of headless chickens running around in circles chasing each other. On stage, individuals shined and there were some truly virtuoso performances, but the show as a whole stopped short of being a true 'tour de force' and IMHO did not live up to the promise of the entire talent pool available in the cast and crew.
'It's over, screw it.' I'm sorry that shouldn't be the case. This project is probably one of the most unsatisfying of the bunch I've been involved in. There was no euphoria after everything ended despite being such a bigger production compared to House Singing in KTJ, and no, I certainly did not feel any of those PMS (Post-MNight-Syndrome) symptoms which others claimed to exhibit. In retrospect, it felt more like 'it's over, next please', rather than 'wow, it's over'. Maybe I expected abit more after putting in so much effort, but for such a flamboyant project you would expect a little more panache and sense of pride or satisfaction after it all ends. I feel neither. It might possibly just be my cynicism getting ahead of me and I might change my opinion after awhile, but I doubt it. The 'high', if you can call it that, *should* have been there but it just wasn't; Or maybe I was just too tired or sick to care.

Anyhow back to normal uni life. No more dikir pratices at night or play rehearsals to go to. Do I even care?~Zhongy~

Favourite bit of MNight, the awesome trailer. If you want to watch I think the whole production's pretty much online on Youtube or Facebook.


Thursday, 19 February 2009


但我主要接触沈老,还是在书法界里。沈老是以前的马六甲书艺协会的名誉顾问,所以每当有大型的展览或书法赛,他都会以嘉宾的身份到场。尤其是农历新年的时候,更是能看到沈老在台上致词、颁奖。初几次听沈老致词,都觉得他的内容一成不变、枯燥乏味,句句都绕着传统文化转;"会用筷子吃饭的炎黄子孙,都应该要会用毛笔写字",可能就是沈老最常用的一段词。但是随着年龄与阅历成长,你会开始欣赏沈老他那不屈不挠,谆谆不倦的精神。就从他以前能踏脚车到大马到处走,到近年来被心脏问题侵蚀且因为年长而开始行动不便,沈老的教诲依然一样,不受岁月的痕迹磨损。一旦到了讲台上,他那苍劲的声音仍勉励着我们年轻一代力争上游,也告诫我们不能忘却祖先遗留下来的文化。他那屹立不倒的精神,也反映在他的书法里。沈老的字,非常明显地露出了他一生中的骨气 --每一笔、每一画都扎实、稳重,一转一折中亦深涵内韵,纯熟而不露锋。




  星期六,马来西亚所有的中文媒体,都大篇幅地报道这位华教伟人逝世的消息。南洋商报黑字斗大,写着:“华教斗 士,砥柱南天”。终年九十七岁的老人家,一生领导马来西亚华人教师总会二十八年,为华文教育奋斗而被捕不只一次。最后一次发生于1987年马哈迪当政期 间,入狱两百天的沈老当年已经七十四岁。


  1937年中国卢沟桥事变,沈慕羽在马来亚参与抗日行列,组织歌咏队、戏剧团,到处宣传。41年太平洋 战争爆发,他担任了马六甲各社团抗敌动员总会秘书,也出任马六甲华侨青年战时服务团团长。41年1月马六甲沦陷,他曾一度逃至新加坡,过后又返回马六甲。 1945年日本投降,他受聘为马六甲华侨公立第一小学校长——沈慕羽的终生校长形象,从此开始。1949年,马六甲的陈祯禄创组马华公会,他加入了政党。 第2年,他与林连玉倡议组织全国华校教师总会。这个组织在接下来的半个世纪里对马来西亚华文教育产生深远影响。

  沈慕羽在政治上虽被喻为马华公会青年团的“马青之父”,但却于1966年因争取华文为官方语言而与当时 马华公会会长陈修信(陈祯禄之子)产生对立而被开除出党。在这事件上,他留下了“一息尚存,难安缄默”的名言。沈老的生命,从此转入纯然为民族母语奋斗的 长征,直到2月5日晚上逝世为止。

  1987年10月11日,马来西亚华人社团及朝野政党齐聚吉隆坡天后宫,强烈抗议政府派不谙华文教师到 华小担任高职。笔者适逢人在吉隆坡,也挤入那场山雨欲来风满楼的激昂大会,并首次见到沈老。印象中,天后宫之山丘下,镇暴军警已经重重围守。28日,老人 家与华教董事会主席林晃升一起被捕。

  这位马来西亚服务最久校长纪录的华教斗士,是位全方位的“华人”,他写得一手沉稳厚重的好书法,也终生 写日记。他推崇孔子与孔学,促成马六甲孔子大厦之落成,还曾于2002年受台北市长马英九邀请赴台主持祭孔典礼。几年前,笔者与一群诗人及歌者在马六甲河 畔的古迹建筑“海关亭”搞了一场不拘小节的诗曲雅集,沈老爽快应邀。歌者之中,沈老年龄最大,但心态年轻。当夜压卷之作,乃由他清唱一曲古调,全场惊艳动 容。曲罢,掌声如雷。“古城白发壮怀,临河楼头放歌”的雅集印象,永铭于心。







我又北上令人长相忆的马六甲了。五年前沈慕羽先生大寿,我与黄文斌夫妇驾车匆匆北上,为了见一见沈先生,止多年思念之渴。“忧心烈烈,载饥载渴。”《诗经》这两句,正是我们心情的写照。匆匆五载,沈先生老当益健,他的大寿,无论如何我也得出席。那天在新加坡举办的道家思想研讨会还没有正式结束,我就告辞了。在路上一直在想起这些年来沈先生的一生事业,以及他的近况,他的 健康如何?他的歌声仍然像昔日的嘹亮吗?上次见到他,应该是五年前的事了。那次他看到我,紧紧和我握手,坐着的身体微微站起,似乎歉意地说他的脚力不好。 我殷勤回应且切切问候。







