Sunday, 22 April 2007
Thursday, 19 April 2007
千古以来,权力与政治总是脱离不了关系。要有权力,就要参与政治。我先来谈政治。政治,是一个为民服务,为改善社会生活而存在的舞台。从远古希腊的民主制 度,英国的君主政治,甚至苏联的共产主义,都是以'为民服务'作为出发点。我们最为熟悉的民主制度,不管是执政党,或是在野党,其基础就是为了实现人民的 要求,改善人民的生活条件。当然,要为人民的生活做出变动,就需要得到大部分人民的支持。选举的多数票,就是人民授予执政党的权力,是民主,公平的象征。 而在古时中国的君主政治里,虽然人民不能选君主,但是君主却有责任照顾人民,否则会遭天遣而失去天下。实际上的'改朝换代',就是因此而发生。
成 功进入政治的舞台,就会拥有一定的权力。不管权力是否受宪法限制,或是拥有无上权力,政客们都有义务为人民服务,改善社会。实际上,政治上的权力并非永 恒。若人民不满执政者,也能推翻朝庭,或在选举中更易执政党。当然,这也需要大多民数的支持,才能成功。由此可见,政客的权力来自人民,而真正拥有永久权 力的,也是人民。
要谈政治,先不谈其制度,而谈身在其中的人--政客;因为不管制度如何糟糕,只要有一群优秀的政客领导着社会,社会还是 会进步,繁华。这群政客也能逐一改 善制度,达到人民的需求。我个人认为,要当一位政客,率先的条件,就是要做得心甘情愿。若无执政的准备,或根本没为民服务的意识,那任凭你支持度再高,治 国也是枉然。这类人大可深居毛庐,受人三顾而不出户。现实里,一旦涉身于政治的江湖中,就很难金盆洗手,退出这个是非地。所以一切政客,都应该有鞠躬尽 瘁,死而后已,把一生奉献给社会,给人民的准备。
如今政治界里的水深火热,导致政治与黑暗、腐败划上了等边符。这世界上没有完美的制度, 也没有完美的政客。有些人根本不存有奉献社会之心,把政治当作道 具,以实现自己自私的欲望。不过,一群小人,不能概括所有的政客。历史证明乱世中总会有英雄挺身而出。而在政治这永不安宁的世界里,江山可说是代有人才 出。他们各领风骚数十年,虽然为时不久,但足以为社会带来正面的改变,并压制着小人对社会的影响。但是,一个人的力量究竟有限。其实,人民所需要的,并不 是什么政治超人,而是一群清廉、正直,肯挺身而出,为民服务的平凡人物。越为平凡的人,其实越能明白人民的需求,越能看清社会上的问题,并对症下药,为问 题斩草除根。
问渠那得清如水,为有源头活水来。治国大事,也难免有污水混入。这,可能就是政治的无奈。选人,责任还是坐落在人民的肩膀 上。若污浊者不幸上榜,清廉者唯 有硬着头皮与之合作,并避免其瘴气影响自己。由此可见,天下兴旺,是人人有责,而并不只是政客的负担。人民自己也扮演着举足轻重的角色,以本身的智慧选出 良才领导国家。出身未捷身先死,英才往往被污水埋没,从开始时的报国心切,变得心灰意冷,最后一生无所作为,默默推出江湖。人民有责任发掘英才,让他们有 用武之地,开拓新的政治天空,把社会、国家带到更高峰。~翼/翔~
Sunday, 15 April 2007
Wunderkind -->
Ok, so the title had nothing to do with the post. It was just something that popped into my mind and I looked it up on
Wikipedia. Definition from Wiki: The term
Wunderkind (from German:
Wunder, wonder/miracle +
Kind, child, kid) is sometimes used as a synonym for
prodigy, particularly in media accounts, although this term is discouraged in scientific literature.
Wunderkind also is used to recognize those who achieve success and acclaim
early in their adult careers, such as
Steven Spielberg and
Steve Jobs.Feeling kinda stressed out and everything and just restless being back at
KTJ so I'm going to just type down any random thoughts that come to my mind:
I'm sorry...
Rants was just starting to get interesting but the hype's dying down because everybody stopped suddenly
Having a sort of craze over Beethoven's Fur Elise right now but I FORGOTTEN TO BRING THE SCORE TO
Coming back on the 27
th April. Wish the school will declare holiday on 30
th so I'll have 6 days holiday.
Holidays were boring if not for FM 2007. Downloaded it using torrents and it's quite nice. Otherwise, met up with friends in Malacca (you know who you are!) and it was fun hanging out. I'll come to
Sunway looking for you Ding
To the Ding in Cambridge you have a lot of explaining to do when you come back, SO BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID
Attended MIT talk yesterday. Interesting speeches, and Malaysia had 5 people accepted this year. Congratulations to all of them!
Dad might get me a laptop! Better not keep my hopes up......
If you aren't proud of what your son has achieved, you don't need to say it to his face and bring up past failures.
KTJ's monthly assessment: I seem to be having problems INTERACTING in class and group discussions in E. Lit. class... I certainly DISAGREE with this but its pissing my parents off! Now they think I'm too PROUD to interact with people who I think are WORSE than me. E. Lit. people, I'll let you be the judge... Not bothered to argue with my parents who have ingenious leaps of faith and presumptions!
Otherwise, assessments were
Just because you don't see me working doesn't mean I don't work. Just because you can't see my passion doesn't mean I'm not passionate.
I think I'm good enough to be in any university in the world. Just because you don't think so doesn't mean I don't have my own confidence to live up to.
Yea, I'm going to attempt STEP II papers in June. Why does everybody look so surprised?
Having weird dreams lately. What's does a slick black car, sprouting gray wings, an idea about being able to enforce one's presence to affect others, long hair, death and a blunt blade have in common?
I didn't text you today, but I wanted to say 'Come back safely'...
God I want to be able to drive ASAP! So bored to be stuck at home during holidays!
I'm hurt and I'm disappointed in myself. I know I'm guilty but I guess that won't change anything...
Just because I look jovial everyday and have extra sensitive laughing senses, doesn't mean I deserve the 'happy man' tag. I have my own problems and probably not as carefree as any of you...
Life, in every sense of that word, has no meaning unless there is a purpose in yours.
Why does education nowadays have to be so expensive?
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood. IF IT WAS ONLY TWO ROADS IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH SIMPLER!
What happened to your face
I've a letter in my drawer which I'm contemplating whether to pass it to you... I wonder how would you react, for better or for worse?
How much of a debt yet do I have to pay for just a moment of true happiness?
You have almost full control of your life. The rest are just out of your hands. You decide how much control you want.
I hope none of you have to go down the same road I took. God bless...
If we can recognise the talents of yesterday, why can't we accept the prodigies of tomorrow? Can we never be better, or at least as good as people long gone?
Yes, the above list is random, so sue me!
I can jolly well write what I like. I don't care if you think its controversial or sensitive. I have FREEDOM OF SPEECH! If
anybody's going to dig it up and use it against me, SO BE IT! I can stand by what I write and what I say.
Currently into
Gundam SeeD OSTs. Some of them are damn nice. Personal favourite:
Shizukana Yoru Ni by
Rie Tanaka. If any of you don't know by now, I collect
Gundam models.
I don't know what to do with 60 dollars worth of MPH voucher. Any suggestions?
I just need somebody to talk to and somebody who can understand me, is that too much to ask for?
I hope I can talk to you and see you smile tomorrow...
I don't know why I bother telling you all this and why you even bother to finish reading this post
lol. Oh well, just me in one of my more eccentric moods...~
Wednesday, 4 April 2007
One Step Forward... Two Steps Back?
Three months, that's how long it's been since I've joined KTJ. In a flash, the first term has passed through the front of my eyes. So, what have I gone through in these three months?
Life has certainly been eventful, a roller-coaster ride full of ups and downs, but sadly, if you've noticed in the previous posts, more downs than up. I've settled down easily in the first few weeks, but other problems had certainly thrown a wrench in my wheels. Sometimes, you truly regret some of the things you've done, and you hope for the chance to turn back time to undo it. If not, you pray for a second chance to right your wrong. Through out these seventeen years of my existence, I do not regret most of the things I done. I believe that I've given my best to things that I commit myself to, things that I feel is right. However, the things that I truly regret, I carry with me through out my life. I do not forgive myself easily; confidence is built on the faith in oneself to make the right decisions, do the right things at the right time. In these three months, I've erred, and it has cost me dearly. To me, relationships with others have always been the most cherished, most important thing. Once it is severed, it bites deeply, especially when its because of my own fault. God knows whether I will ever forgive myself, or whether I'll be given a second chance to change things. Please don't tell me to live with it, or let it go; nor pity me for my sorrow and self-blame. Its my fault, and that shadow will haunt me for a while yet. For now, I hope for what little chance of forgiveness, from whom I've erred and from myself, and the opportunity to heal the wounds and start afresh.
People say that some things are just out of your control, and you have to accept it when it comes. Things change, people change, but life still goes on. Knowing me, I've always been stubborn to change, and I'm slow to accept it. Sometimes I wonder if it was really out of my control, if I could have stopped the changes if I tried just a little harder. Yet, another part of me tells me that I shouldn't meddle. I'm in control of only what is truly my own, my life. It is the free-will of others to change theirs, and I'll just have to come to terms with it. I've always tried to resist changes in myself because of my surroundings. I believe the people around you should not play too much a part in your whole perspective of life. Even so, I cannot deny that your surroundings affect that perspective as time passes. I've seen changes in others, and I'm still struggling to accept them. Sometimes the changes are drastic, and it hurts to see such big a difference in someone you've known so well in the past. Other times it is the little things, things that might seem small and insignificant to others, which you feel are much more meaningful, and should have stayed as it is. I do not believe in being forced to change. I feel that it is the person himself/herself which chooses to change according to the surroundings. You might say that I've changed a little too in these three months. Yes, I admit, maybe a little, which the KTJ surroundings had influenced. However I try my best to maintain who I am before I came, and try to change only for the better, and not for the worse. To this end I can only sit by the road side and watch the changes of others, and try not to be too engaged in how their decisions affect me. Please do not forget that your own changes also affect the people around you; and those who are closest feel it the most. I do not resent others for changing, maybe they've also tried their best to stay the same, but yet, it still hurts, to see changes happen which I can't stop.
When you've reached this part of the post, I guess you must be thinking how gloomy my life for the past three months seem to be. I assure you its not all like that, and there are also ups in these three months. However being me, I tend to focus on the downs which hopefully strengthen me and my resolve. But then, material rewards had never really appealed to me. It seem so small when compared to the gratification of the soul. To this end my soul has taken a heavy battering for the past three months, but there are small successes which bring small comfort to the heart. I'll just have to weather the current storm until the sun shines again. Its been comforting to finally see some self-improvement though, and that helps my confidence too. There's no substitute for hard work, so I guess I'll just have to grind away until I get what I want to achieve. Just push myself harder and harder until the limit, then I'll get to where I want to be. Everybody has infinite potential, its how you squeeze it out of you that's hard. Oh well, life's like that. You hold it in your own hands, and everything is within your grasp. It'll be a waste to let it move along just like that, wouldn't it?~Zhongy~
Sunday, 1 April 2007
Holiday! And A Short Story...
Hey guys I'm officially on holiday haha! Drop by if you can, I'm free like a bird trapped in a cage called home lol. Anyhow I like it, so bluek! Getting kinda hyper, am I? Ahh... Oh well, school's ended, assessments are coming in, and I'm not going to be caught up in the suspense. Don't care! haha. Ching Ming is around the corner though, so time to pay respects to my ancestors. Going to write on some serious stuff soon, but for now here's a short story I wrote for my school's short story competition. It somehow won second prize for God knows whatever reason the judges found fit to give. I've read some really good ones and I still can't see how it could come out as second prize winner. I'll let all of you good people be the judge then, see if you can figure it out for me... Oh and by the by, it was inspired by all the terrorism going around our world today and the story is titled 'In God's Name'... My take on terrorism and the other side of the coin.
Emerging from his car, he clutched his duffel bag tightly and strolled down the sidewalk, trying to look as normal a pedestrian as possible, minding his own business on the busy street. In truth, his palms were sweating, and he was checking out every person that walked past him, fearful that one of them might suddenly pounce and grab his bag. It was his first job, and there was no sense in not being paranoid and edgy. After all, in his line of work there was no space for failure. Once you failed, you were finished. He said a quick prayer to his God, hoping for success in his holy task. ‘It was God’s will to have His people protect their own rights, even through the means of war. I am the will of God.’ To calm his nerves, he tried to whistle as he walked towards his destination. It didn’t work. He just went out of tune every time somebody squeezed past him. Finally, he gave up. ‘Stay calm, go with the flow, try to blend in.’ those were the words that were drilled into his mind since he joined the academy when he was ten. It should have been second nature to him after 12 years. Yet now, it seemed as if all his training had deserted him.
After what seemed like eternity, he arrived in front of the embassy. ‘At last’, he sighed with relieve, out of the earshot of two guards standing in front of the gate. In reality, he had only walked five blocks. He took a quick glance at his shirt and pants, and the tag hanging from his shirt pocket. It simply read: ‘Ahmed Kathreda; Reporter; Al-Jazeera’ with his photograph printed on the left hand corner. Mustering all his will-power, he forced a small smile onto his face and walked towards the gates with his bag around his shoulders. ‘Take big and steady steps, so that you look confident. Remember that you are carrying out God’s will, and He will not fail you.’ The words of his mentor in the academy rang in his ears. He could hear his own heart thump as he flashed his tag towards one of the guards and walked past the gates. ‘Made it!’ he whooped in his heart, congratulating himself; ‘and they didn’t even check my bag.’ ‘Maybe this won’t be so hard after all,’ He muttered softly to himself. With each step he took towards the glass doors of the embassy, his confidence grew. Mentally, he tried to keep his emotions in check. Overconfidence was a trap he was determined not to fall in to.
Once in the lobby, he quickly slipped into one of the cushioned seats away from the receptionists’ counter. The embassy was packed with people patiently awaiting the arrival of the foreign minister, and he was confident nobody would take much notice of an Arab reporter from an Arab news agency in an Arab embassy. He rested his bag on his lap, one hand slowly reaching for the zip. With a quick glance around to ensure that no one was looking, he swiftly unzipped the bag and checked the contents inside. After making sure that everything was in order, he took out the day’s newspaper, zipped his bag and flipped through the world news. It was an old trick, but it effectively covered his face. He wasn’t afraid of people recognising him. Nobody would. It was the security cameras that he was hiding from. After all, if he succeeded, the identity of ‘Ahmed Kathreda; Reporter; Al-Jazeera’ would be useful later on in his career. Keeping one eye on the clock on the wall, he browsed the headlines splashed across the pages: ‘FOREIGN MINISTER TO BEGIN TALKS IN EMBASSY TODAY’; ‘NEW AGREEMENTS SET TO BE MADE IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF BOTH SIDES’. Pictures of the ambassador and the foreign minister accompanied the story. ‘Bullshit! It was just in their best interests, not ours! In time, God will punish these hypocrites!’ He cursed in his heart, careful not to voice his views out loud.
Fifteen minutes passed. ‘It’s time,’ he thought. The nerves gripped him again, but he fought to control it. Slowly, unassumingly, he folded the newspaper and opened the bag once more. Flipping on the small switch, he hastily covered the mechanism with the newspaper and zipped the bag. Standing up slowly without drawing too much attention, he dropped his bag on his seat, and made his way towards the toilets. His heart thumped louder with each stride he took. In his head, he repeated the words: ‘Stay cool, stay cool…’ He lowered his gaze to the floor, determined to avoid the glances of the other people in the embassy, afraid that they might see the fear in his eyes. By the time he reached the emergency exit near the toilets, he was almost overcome by nausea. Deftly slipping out, he hurriedly moved past the gates and the guards. He prayed that they would not notice the bag missing from his shoulders. When he was finally outside the embassy, he even managed a small wave at the guards before disappearing into the hoards of people walking on the street. ‘The hard part was over!’ Now he just had to wait. With a spring in his legs, he made his way to his car and jumped into the driver’s seat. Once inside he uttered a quick prayer of thanks. He had trusted in God to aid him. Now his sacred task was almost complete.
He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel for the whole of ten minutes. He could barely contain the excitement and anticipation building in his chest when the clock counted down the minutes and seconds. He tried not to think of the consequences if he failed. ‘No, it was impossible. God is on my side.’ He pushed it to the back of his mind. Beads of perspiration slowly slipped down his forehead as the moment grew nearer. He waited with bated breath as it reached the final minute. ‘Just a little while more…’ In his heart he was now urging for time to past faster, fearing that his plot would be foiled in this final sixty seconds. He counted, ‘Twenty seconds, ten seconds, five seconds…’ At the final second the whole street seemed to stand still and silent. In his eyes the people stopped walking at mid-stride, and the traffic on the road ceased to move. Suddenly the conversation on the streets stopped, and so did the screeching of rubber tyres. It was as if he could hear the noise if a pin fell. Then, it happened.
A huge explosion ripped through the lobby of the embassy, the bright light blinding him momentarily; the noise deafening. Fire spilled out from the window shafts and the door which he had walked past just minutes ago. The two guards were knocked off their legs by the seismic repercussions of the explosion, their head hitting the pavement. Immediately the whole lobby of the embassy was engulfed in flames, and it slowly crept towards the upper floors. The screams of the people on the street as they fled could be heard clearly even in his car. People in cars and offices nearby burst out of their doors and ran off on foot as fast as they could. He watched quietly in his car as pandemonium erupted before his eyes. He was numbed by the explosion -- his explosion. He had succeeded, but he felt no gratification. Instead, he could feel the fear of the people outside flow through every vein in his body, gripping his soul. Every face he saw was contorted with terror, running in the opposite direction. He bit his lips tightly to avoid from screaming out loud himself. He had meticulously planned every stage of this explosion, but nothing could have prepared him for the real thing. Even he was rattled by the destruction he himself caused. Five minutes passed, and he finally managed to move. He gripped the steering wheel tightly until his knuckles turned white and drove away from the scene. He just wanted to get away from it as quick as possible. As he drove, he glanced down at his body. His legs were shaking as they pressed the pedal, and he could hear the sound of his teeth chattering against each other. This time he was heading to the airport. He had a plane to catch.
The same time next day he was already in the middle of no where. In a small hut, he flipped through the newspapers. His name tag and clothes from the day before was thrown on the floor, temporarily forgotten. The headlines on the front page screamed: ‘EMBASSY BOMBED! 30 DEAD! 70 WOUNDED!’ He read through the story slowly. It didn’t matter to him if the foreign minister was safe. His job was only to cause terror. ‘It was only meant to be a warning, not an assassination attempt.’ A pang of guilt gripped him as he saw the casualties list, particularly the name of the ambassador, and he quickly said a word of prayer. ‘In a war, sacrifices are needed to ensure success.’ That was the only comfort he could afford himself now. He would need to stay strong. In his line of work his heart needed to be as hard as stone. There would be a time when his services would be needed again.
That's all folks! Your comments and criticism are highly valued! (especially the criticism haha) Do tell me what you guys think and what I need to work on. Be generous people! I need some flak now haha.~Zhongy~